The way we consume media is different from when I was growing up. I had the television, magazines, and newspapers. There was no e-mail or internet until I was in High School. We can now instantly download a movie. No heading to Blockbuster in hopes that the newest release is available. It is possible to watch a whole season's worth of your favorite show in a weekend.
YouTube brings a whole new dynamic to the world of media. Quality content is produced by regular people and not just large television and movie corporations. One of my favorite YouTube trends is "Family Vlogging." Families sharing their lives, the happy moments and the difficult ones, on video for the world to see. It may seem almost creepy to watch videos of people's normal lives. I find vlogging (video blogging) to be more entertaining than "reality" TV. Vlogging provides a connection to your entertainment. Most Vloggers interact with their viewers through YouTube comments, Facebook and other social media. It is fun having on-going conversations new friends that you have made through this form of media and to connect with other people who may have the same struggles as you do.
I watch several vlog's weekly and catch up on watching while I make dinner or wash the dishes. There are many, many family channels out there. Here is a list of my top five favorite family Vloggers. I wish they lived in my area, I could see myself hanging out with each of these wonderful families. I have included links to a few of my favorite vlogs from each family. Be sure to check them out.
8 Passengers
Emotional Reaction to a Gift
Celebrity Sighting
I Kissed My COUSIN
Most weeks there is a "Flashback Friday" video of home videos from Ruby's family when she was young. She makes connections between her younger self and her children. She also points out how her siblings, all adults now, still do many of the same things they did as children. Seeing these old videos has inspired me to look through old videos from my teen years.
Why Family Matters [Family Team Training]
Learning the States where our Subscribers Live!
Adventure Day at the Library
Parenting Advice from Politician, Matt Bevin
This channel was originally of interest because the Schmoyer family live in the same town that we were living in. It was interesting to see the family go to the same places that we would go to. I continue to watch how this family shares their faith and how it impacts their everyday lives.
The Schmoyers have four children with two more on the way. Dana, the Mom has a channel of her own where she puts up pregnancy updates, recipes, and what she is learning in her spiritual walk.
The Vloginsons
The Vloginsons
Come For Dinner, Stay For the Boogies
Canadians! Gingers! What's not to like? I found this family through Twitter and have only been watching them for a few weeks. The Dad reminds me of someone that I use to work with. He is animated with a quick whit and a mildly sarcastic sense of humor. The kids are adorable, the youngest has a smile that could melt your heart. Honestly, they are just a cool family and I would love to hang out with them.

Rough Night at the J House
IT CAME OUT MY NOSE! Smoothie Challenge
Blessing Bags!
J House is another vlogging channel with four children. This family just exudes positivity and grace even when they are sharing their struggles. The Mom, Kendra is candid about her battle with depression and anxiety. So often people only share their best selves online. This family's honesty and openness are refreshing. They remind me of my sister-in-law and her family.
They home school their children, and include creative activities and field trips. Recently, they have been learning about the Mayflower. The Mom discussed what they would take with them, if they were on the Mayflower. They children went around the house collecting items that they would take with them. What an excellent illustration for the children of the small amount of possessions the families on the Mayflower had with them. I'm not sure what Kendra studied in college, but she is a natural teacher.
Another thing I admire about this family is their dedication to service. It can be very difficult with small children to find service projects. Along with some friends, they started a service club which provides opportunities for the families to serve others. The families created blessing bags to give to people who are homeless. The families also cooked and served lunch at the Ronald McDonald house on Christmas Eve. Serving together is a great way to show the kids how they can help people in need.
GIVING WITH CARSON | Operation Christmas Child
High School Sweetheart Tag
Well, this isn't your traditional Family Vlog. Kathryn has the amazing talent of being able to organize and decorate her home on a budget. She shares videos on how she uses her Goodwill and Dollar Tree finds in her home. She also, on occasion shares "Day In The Life" type videos. Her style is down to earth. She has a very warm personality. When I watch her videos I feel like she's an old friend just giving advice.
*BONUS* | A Few More Vloggers to Check Out!
Family Of Six
All Boys But 9
The Crousse House Vlogs
Matt and Em Vlog
While They Were Napping
Do you watch YouTube videos? Who tops your list?
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